EID AL-FITR 1st Shawwal-1445/2024
Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah Wabarakatuh
Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated tomorrow the 10th of April 2024,1st of Shawal 1445 upon completion of fasting 30 holy days of Ramadan 1445.
In the name of Allah Most Merciful the Compassionate, all thanks and praises due to Allah Most Merciful the compassionate to enable us fasting this holy month of Ramadan of 1445/2024 of which we have completed 30 days. So, this honourable Office is hereby informing all believers who managed to fast about Zakatul Fitr which is mandatory to those who are fasting to be paid during Ramadan until immediately before performing Salat Eid Alfitr on 10th of April 2024 which is the 1st Shawal 1445. According to Sharia if you pay after Salat Eid Al-fitr is not accepted as Zakatul Fitr but instead as Sadaqa.
Zakatul Fitr is paid in the most eatable foods during the sacred month of Ramadan, so you choose one type of food and give 2.5 kg, for example Rice, Wheat, Maize Flour, Sugar, etc. Its permissible to convert your Zakat Al Fitr into money for example 1 kg of Maize meal is R 15, So 2.5 Kg of Maize Meal is R 38 per head. R 50 is estimated according to consumption of Rice or flour.
Then you count how many family members under your care and multiply with R 38. For example, Husband, wife, three children, helper, and elderly mother who stays in different house, those are 7 heads, that means 38×7= R 266 Only. That is the mandatory Zakatul Fitr, but if you pay more is Sadaqat and appreciated. You Can distribute your Zakatul Fitr to those whom you know in need near you but it’s advisable to give authorities your Zakatul Fitr to distribute on Behalf as people in need contact us mostly.