Observing fasting holy month of Ramadan.
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT TO DAY THURSDAY THE 30 OF JANUARY 2025 IS THE FIRST OF SHABAN 1446 Assalam ala man Tabai Huda (peace be to the followers of righteousness Ref: Calling for preparation for Holy Month of Ramadan Bismillah Rahman Raheem, In the name of Allah Most Merciful the Compassionate, I hereby call your attention as […]
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT EID AL-FITR 1st Shawwal-1445/2024 ZAKATIL FITR THIS YEAR IS R 50 PER HEAD Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah Wabarakatuh Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated tomorrow the 10th of April 2024,1st of Shawal 1445 upon completion of fasting 30 holy days of Ramadan 1445. In the name of Allah Most Merciful the Compassionate, […]
4/08/2024 28th/Ramadan/1445 Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah Wabarakatuh. ZAKATIL FITR THIS YEAR IS R 50 PER HEAD Office of the Grand Mufti SA is hereby calling entire Muslim Community of believers to look for new moon of Shawwal tomorrow 8th/04/2024 After Maghrib Salah the 29th , Ramadan 2024/1445. In the name of Allah Most […]
Attention: H.E President of International Court of Justice Peace Palace, Cornegienplein 2 , 2517 KJ , The Hague, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 70302 2323 Fax +31 (0) 70364 9928 Assalam ala man Tabai Huda (peace be to the followers of righteousness) Ref: Genocide Case by South Africa Against Israel Bismillah Rahman Raheem, […]