Grand Mufti SA
Grand Mufti of South Africa is Director Department of Sharia, he is in charge of observation of Sharia application, promotion and protection. he is the head of all Muftis and Imams, he is chairman Council of Sheikhs ( Majlsil Ulama) responsible for answering questions regarding Islam, and issues in Islam that required Sharia ruling. he is a member of board of trustees.
Personal Private Secretary Contact
PhD Islamic Sciences (Mountain of wisdom,Jabal haqq), Became Imam Mahad Sadiqul Amim on Lailatul Qadir 27/Ramadan/1440-1st/June/2019 visited by Saydina Jibrael aleih Salaam and other Angels in His team headed by Sayidina Qasim aleihim Salaam peace be upon them with Allahs protection for me and all those who follow me with Invisible Army to save the Ummah as prophesized.
Follows all four Madhab of Ahli Sunnah wal Jamah known as Ima Malik, Imam Ahmada Bin Hambal, Imam Abu Abu Hanifa, Ima Shafie. He is Shafie , Sheikh and Khalifah of Tariqa Shadhili Al-Yashurtiy founded by Sayid Sheikh Ali Nurdin Al-Yashurtiy of Aqah Jerusalem and Amman In Jordan.
His Eminence the Grand Mufti of South Africa is a husband of three wives, six children, three sons Sultan Muhammad Qaf and Sultan Ruh-llah Hamim with first wife Sultanat Safiat Bint Abdul Aziz, An Arab from Oman, and two daughters Sultanat Suuhat Rahman and Sultanat Raudhat Rahman and Son Sultan Muhammad Saad with second wife Sultanat Aeshat Siddiqat, South Africa Indian. Alhamdu Lillah Masha-llah.
President Global Muslim Alliance ( GMA)
Global Muslim Alliance (GMA) is the Union of Statutory bodies in charge of Islam and Muslim affairs of countries commonly Known as Supreme Councils of Islamic Affairs or Ministry of Islamic Affairs to operate as one Unit based on resolutions passed in GMA annual Summit that rotates with in member states with South Africa as founder member state.
The Global Muslim Alliance (GMA) has only one major office of Secretary general who comes from member state hosting GMA Summit. All member states agree upon uniform application approved Sharia laws in GMA Summit and all issues regarding are discussed in the GMA Summit.
Sultan of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA)
Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) is the Royal Government of Imam Mahad Sadiq Al-Amin who is the Sultan of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) that has a global office of commissions opened by Countries who become member states of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) by Global Muslim Alliance (GMA) for global diplomatic affairs of Islam or By International Bureau of Corporations (IBECO) for business transactions.
The SKA Commission of a member state is comprised of four diplomats , Imam, Khalifah, Governor, and Commissioner.
is responsible only for affairs of Sharia of Islam, He has permanent seat at the Statutory body in charge of Islam of SKA member state.
Is responsible for religious affairs, Governor is in charge of political affairs who implements affairs of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) in the member State.
Is responsible for representing Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) in member State.
Link between politics and religious affairs of member state. The Commission of SKA enforce the Implementation of Resolutions passed at IBECO&GMA Summit to be applied in all member states.
Commissions of all member states do not have a public contact in member states, there is only one office open for public of member states , that office is called Global office.
Global Office
At Global office, there is an office of operation for every commission opened in member state.
President International Bureau of Corporations (IBECO).
International bureau of Corporations (IBECO) is an office forms part of Global office deal with those who becomes partners of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) for business purposes.
Crown Sultan to the Sultanate of Katuumu
Sultranate of Katuumu was founded by the late His Highness Sultan Shekih Shuaib- Ibn Is-haq the Great in 1900. Sultanate of Katummu is the ruling Sultans of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA). His Eminence Grand Mufti of South Africa is the Crown Sultan as the Grand Son of the Late Sultan Sheikh Shuaib founder, He is the elder son of heir to His Highness Sultan Sheikh Shuaib, His name is H.H Sultan Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Sheikh Shuaib ibn Is-Haq.
Books Authored by teachings of Sayidina Jibrael aleih salaam since 1999.
- Authored the book called Ilimul Yaqeen Bil Hikmatun Balighat min Ambaeil Quram Al-Karim. “Knowing the Certainty by the perfect wisdom of the Holy Quran. Written in English and Arabic, very powerful and informative. A life testimony , you must not before reading this book . only qualified Ulamas and Shyyukh may understand better if they read this book because its about Islamic Sciences with deep Knowledge. a Kind of a book that is rare to be found these days. For English readers, Ebook Link: Hard Copy Link
2. Another book is called Suuh Kingdom printed in hard copy and online. also very informative, a life testimony. some one must not die before reading this book. Ebook Available on This Link: Hard Cover on this Link
3. Commander of Invisible Army of Allah also on this link above. Ebook link: Hard Copy link for Commander of Invisible Army:
4. Nuru Nubuwat New Release Ebook Link: Hard cover Book link:
Declaration of Peace for Palestine (DPP) Ebook copy link: Hard Copy link of DPP :
5. Zaadul Maadi (Arabic)
Ebook Link:
Printed Book Link :
More are coming.