Media Release

Certificate f Conversion to Islam

Salam aleikum Warahmatu-llah, This is very important announcement, There is only one written evidence that stays for ever when someone becomes a Muslim. Therefore, as Sharia Department of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) has produced a legally binding certificate of Conversion to Islam. Get a copy either Pdf or JPG sign and send […]

Media Release

Certificate of Conversion to Islam

Salam aleikum Warahmatu-llah, This is very important announcement, There is only one written evidence that stays for ever when someone becomes a Muslim. Therefore, as Sharia Department of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) has produced a legally binding certificate of Conversion to Islam. Get a copy either Pdf or JPG sign and send […]

Khutba on Women In Islam Media Release

Woman In Islam and In Quran

WOMAN IN QURAN AND IN ISLAMAssalaam aleikum Warahmatu–llah Wabarakatu,Bismillah Rahman Raheem,Alhamdu Lillah Rabil Alameen,all praise due to Allah Subhanahu Wataala who glorified Himself for Creating every female among beings of the earth, in particular a woman in human beings and Jinn. see the verse below:036.036 سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْأَزْوَاجَ كُلَّهَا مِمَّا تُنبِتُ الْأَرْضُ وَمِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ […]

Media Release

Warning Corona Virus in South Africa

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Office of the Grand Mufti of South Africa got information of Corona Virus Invading South Africa After causing closer of Sacred Kaabah and travel ban of Muslims to go for Umra, as far as Islam is concerned calamities are signs of Allah’s Anger and wrath upon humans on earth for their sinful actions […]

Science of Quran

Its Earth Moving while Us Humans Stationed in one Position-Science of the Quran

Grand Mufti of South Africa’s Theory about Movement of the Earth ” everything that exists on earth is stationed in one place being hold by natural invisible forces, its the earth that moves” Allah Subhanahu Wataala created everythaing that exists on earth and He gave everything permanent position where its stationed, but its the earth […]

Media Release

Download NURU NUBUWAT In This Holy Month of Ramadan of 1440 Islamic Calendar, is the year when the secret of Sayidina Jibrael comming on earth to save the Ummah has been made public by the Muslim Ummah concerned in negativity of disbelieving of wondering if its possible or the Author by the title of Grand Mufti of […]