
Visit of Grand Mufti of Egypt to South Africa

AFET Committee – Exchange of views with the Grand Mufti of Egypt

His Eminence the Grand Mufti of Egypt and His team was invited by our management to come and Visit South Africa. in Response , the Management of Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs of Egypt Organised a trip with Muftis of other countries who confirmed to arrive here in South Africa on 3rd Oct 2016 and stay until 5 October 2016.

His Excellence the Ambassador of Egypt in South Africa at Pretoria organised reception of the Grand Mufti of Egypt and Muftis of Other Countries by contacting Muslim organisation including MJC ( Muslim Judicail Council), Jamiatul Ulama, who were happy to recieve the visitors.

Upon knowing that the delegation was invited by the management of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa ( MUSCOOSA), they rejected visitation of delegation which was purposely for Islamic purposes and they transformed it into Political battle hiding their agendas that promote racism.

These Indian and Malaysian Muslims of South Africa are not believers, they are half Muslims breed with non Islamic ideologies of apartheid system and they never transform to follow real Islam.

There is this bunch of so called Muslim lawyers association of South Africa, i do not think they are Muslims, they are bunch of non Muslims calling them selves Muslims, how can they be Muslims when laws they form association are not Islamic laws. a contradiction.

Proof they are not Muslims is they proud of interfering into affairs of Islam with non Islamic approach intended to break Islam, actually they are ambassadors of Non Muslims fighting against Islam.

We are not going to allow them intimidate any other guest of Islam to visit South Africa in future. We regret as management that our guest postponed their trip until further , we will be very grateful of welcoming our guests with warm reception here in South Africa.

The Management of Muscoosa do apologies to Ambassador of Egypt in South Africa, to the Management of Supreme Council for Affairs of Islam in Egypt ministry of Awqaf, and all Delegates who were on the list to visit Islam of South Africa.

Those who disturbed you to visit clearly and publicly showed they are not Muslims and its true , they are not since they form association of lawyers of non Islamic laws, their work is to fight against Islam.