Nkandla Local Municipality (KZN286)

Geography, History & Economy

Nkandla Local Municipality is part of King Cetshwayo District Municipality.

MDB code: KZN286

Description: The Nkandla Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the King Cetshwayo District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district. 
 Nkandla has a claim to be the ‘cradle’ of Zulu history. From Malandela to Shaka, to Dingane and Cetshwayo, Nkandla has been at the centre stage of the Zulu nation’s history. The graves of King Malandela and Cetshwayo are at Nkandla. 
 It consists mainly of tribal lands and state-owned land. The area has a wealth of undisturbed forests that boast mostly indigenous species. Nkandla Town offers the full array of urban development, albeit at a smaller scale compared to the majority of towns in KwaZulu-Natal.

Area: 1 828km²

Cities/Towns: Nkandla

Main Economic Sectors: Retail, agriculture