
We have special attention to travelers who got stuck in their journeys with less cash with them, and they can not reach their destination if they do not get helped. So we welcome them with a smile, give them food and place to stay for a day and then arrange their transport payment next day fully paid to their destinations.

We do the following for travelers:

  • One night Shelter paid in a hotel for long distance travelers
  • Full ticket either bus or Air is paid for those who want to travel but they can not afford tickets.
  • Travelers already in the journey but they got stuck due to being robbed or cash got finished and they can not continue with their journey without being helped.
  • Refugees, People coming to South Africa running from wars in their countries are received and welcome with our team management to help them settle in South Africa in getting all necessary documents. we give them Shelter, food and Transport for a week and more depending on the kind of need.