بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعلان الكبرى الدّوليّة لأمّة المسلمين عن ظهور إمام المهد الصادق الأمين المنتظر حم عسق ، له الحمد الذي انزل هذه الآية الكريمة فى القرآن الكريم فيها وعد ظهور إمام المهد المنتظر الصادق الأمين لينصر أمة المسلمين فى ساعة العسرة فى آخر الزمان بنصر الله ينصر من يشآء، الا ونحن فى آخر […]
Press Release
Assalam aleikum Warahmatu-llah wabarakatuh, am here to announce to the entire Muslim Ummah that i confirm the coming of Sayidina Jibrael aleih salam to me with clear sign for the coming of Imam Mahad sadiqul Ameen to save Gaza, Aqsa, Jerusalem, Palestine, and entire Muslim Ummah, above letters are official announcements, accompanied with a Khutbah […]
EID AL-FITR 2024/1445
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT EID AL-FITR 1st Shawwal-1445/2024 ZAKATIL FITR THIS YEAR IS R 50 PER HEAD Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah Wabarakatuh Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated tomorrow the 10th of April 2024,1st of Shawal 1445 upon completion of fasting 30 holy days of Ramadan 1445. In the name of Allah Most Merciful the Compassionate, […]
Zakatul Fitr 2024/1445
08/April/2024 28th/Ramadan/1445 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMEN Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah Wabarakatuh. ZAKATIL FITR THIS YEAR IS R 50 PER HEAD Office of the Grand Mufti SA is hereby calling entire Muslim Community of believers to look for new moon of Shawwal tomorrow 8th/04/2024 After Maghrib Salah the 29th , Ramadan 2024/1445. In the name of Allah […]
Genocide Case in International Court of Justice committed by Israel scheduled for hearing today 11th of January 2023
Attention: H.E President of International Court of Justice Peace Palace, Cornegienplein 2 , 2517 KJ , The Hague, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 70302 2323 Fax +31 (0) 70364 9928 Assalam ala man Tabai Huda (peace be to the followers of righteousness) Ref: Genocide Case by South Africa Against Israel Bismillah Rahman Raheem, […]
Official Public Announce for Emergence of Imam Mahad Sadiqul Ameen
الإعلان إلى أمّة محمّد صلى الله عليه وسلم فى ظهور الإمام المهدي المنتظر الصّادق الأمين الحمد لله الذي لا يخلف الميعاد عبده ورسوله سيّدنا محمّد المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم الذى وعده لأمّته بلسان عربى مبين إذ ارسله إلى النّاس كافة رحمة للعالمين وهو آخر الأنبيآء لا نبيا بعده وسيّد المرسلين. فوعد صلى الله عليه […]
Parents who have not registered their children for Grade 1 and Grade 8 for the 2023 school year now have an opportunity to do so. The Gauteng Education Department says late applications will open from 20 December – 20 January , Department of Education, Muscoosa.
“Ban the black man. They rape, steal, and kill, worse than any pit bull could, and they get away with it. Ban those that are making the laws, ban Ekurhuleni, ban the black man. Get all the black women and cut out their uteruses and ovaries that they cannot procreate because they will all turn […]
Certificate of Conversion to Islam
Salam aleikum Warahmatu-llah, This is very important announcement, There is only one written evidence that stays for ever when someone becomes a Muslim. Therefore, as Sharia Department of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) has produced a legally binding certificate of Conversion to Islam. Get a copy either Pdf or JPG sign and send […]
Job Advert
Job Advert:Reference : 001/228144/ED/20 Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa ( MUSCOOSA) Announce Job Opportunity looking Director Department of Education of the Organization. Salary is negotiable. Requirements:1 Must have a degree from an Islamic University or from University of an Islamic country 2. Must be fluent in English and Arabic LanguagesMust Have not less than […]
Download Certificate of Conversion to Islam
Certificate of Conversion to Islam – Department of communication&Transport (muscoosa.org)
official Release of Salatul Arshiy
Opening of Aya Sofia Masjid
Bismillah Rahman Raheem, The Management of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) Congratulate His Excellence President of Turkey Sultan Erdogan I , His cabinet, Turkish People and all believers in the world for the victory of Regaining the glory of Reverting Haya Sofia back to Masjid of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih Masjid that was turned […]
Coming of Imam Mahad
Alhamdu Lillah Rabil Alameen Wasalaat Wasalaam ala Rasulu llah Mustapha Sallah aleih wasallama. Khutba that evolves about the huge rare public declaration i personally made and believers are looking for the authenticity of what i said regarding comming of Sayidina Jibrael aleih salam to me to save the Ummah. All Praise due to Allah Subhanahu […]
Eid Alfitr Moon 2020 1441 Not Sighted
Zakaatul fitr 1441/2020 Is R40
Assalaam aleikum Warahmatullah its end days of Ramadan Reminder of zaakatul fitr either 2.5 kg per head of Rice or R 40. May Allah accept our fasting Ameen
Special Glorification of high status for believers to ask Allah for His Mercy on this link https://ibeco.co.za/masjid-nurul-yaqeen-radio-station/
19th/03/2020 Bismillah Rahman Raheem OFFICE OF THE GRANDF MUFTI OF SOUTH AFRICA REF: DIRECTIVES OF JUMA AND MANDATORY PRAYERS AT THIS TIME COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC AS DECLARED BY H.E PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICA In His name Most High the Supreme, Most Glorified Exalted is He, the one and only God worthy of worship, there is […]
Office of the Grand Mufti of South Africa: His Excellency Cryl Ramaphoza President of Republic of South Africa announced last night the 15th of march 2020 that the COVID-19 ( Corona Virus) Outbreak has been declared a national state of disaster in terms of the disaster Management Act. This is in Recognition if its magnitude […]
Corona Virus prediction as Divine Intervention
video we gave ultimatum to Israel and america if they do not sign DPP Deflation of Peace for Palestine before end of Islamic calendar of last year 1440, they must wait for Allahs Wrath which has come as Corona Virus. Must watch.
Its Earth Moving While Us Humans Stationed In One Position-Science Of The Quran
Bismillah Rahman Raheem . Grand Mufti of South Africa’s Theory about Movement of the Earth ” everything that exists on earth is stationed in one place being hold by natural invisible forces, its the earth that moves” Allah Subhanahu Wataala created everythaing that exists on earth and He gave everything permanent position where its stationed, […]
Corona Virus Warning
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Office of the Grand Mufti of South Africa got information of Corona Virus Invading South Africa After causing closer of Sacred Kaabah and travel ban of Muslims to go for Umra, as far as Islam is concerned calamities are signs of Allahs Anger and wrath upon humans on earth for their sinful actions […]
Rabil Awal Mubaraka
Assalam aleikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh,Office of the Grand Mufti of South Africa wishes Happy Rabil Awwal Mubaraka to every Muslim Men and women. This is the holy Month in which our beloved Master the Holy Messenger of Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallah llahu aleih wasallama peace be upon him was born on the 12th day. The Message […]
Official Release of Zaadul Maadi
Zaadul Maad is a new book in Arabic language comprised of five special prayers all believers must recite on daily basis Making Dhikrullah and Salat wassalam ala Nabi Sallah aleih wasallama Taught by Sayidina Jibrael aleih salaam to the Author who is the Grand Mufti of South Africa who came out publicly and announced the […]
Declaration of Sanctity of Masjidil Aqsa, Dome of the Rock and Jerusalem
Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam aleikum Warahmatu-llah, Click the link below for Declaration of Sanctity of Masjidil Aqsa
Support for Declaration of Peace for Palestine.
Upon visiting of South Africa by palestinian Ahed Tamim and her family , they were hosted by the Grand Mufti of South Africa until last day they left in 2017 when Masjidil Aqsa was placed under Metal dectors and it was protested that resulted in death of more than 200 Palestinian in Protection of Masjidil […]
As salaam Aleikum warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. This is to inform the public that the moon has been sighted in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries so tomorrow 4th June is Eidi Fitr for those who started fasting 6 may 2019. Waybillah Tawfuque. Grand Mufti of South Africa. Eid Al Mubarak a to all Muslims may Allah […]
Official Declaration of Emergency of Imam Mahad
The following link Takes you to The Official Decration of Emergency of Imam Mahad Aleih Salam. http://suuhinvestments.co.za/sultanateofkatuumu/declaration-of-emergency-of-imam-mahad/
Testimony of Comming of Sayidina Jibrael aleih Salam To me, Subhanallah Must Watch
Assalaam aleikum Warahmatu-llah. The Ummah is asking Me Questions Regarding Comming of Sayidina Jibrael aleih Salaam to me yet we all waiting for Imam Mahad as Ahl Sunnah wal Jamah. The Link Below is Video Reaction Regarding this topic.
Download Nuru Nubuwat
http://www.lulu.com/shop/his-majesty-king-yaqeenullah-allamal-yaqeen-muhammad-shuaibi-suuh-kingdom-of-arabia/knowing-the-certainty-ilym-al-yaqeen-by-the-perfect-wisdom-of-the-holy-revelation-of-the-holy-quran/ebook/product-23189408.html In This Holy Month of Ramadan of 1440 Islamic Calendar, is the year when the secret of Sayidina Jibrael comming on earth to save the Ummah has been made public by the Muslim Ummah concerned in negativity of disbelieving of wondering if its possible or the Author by the title of Grand Mufti of […]
Official Reaction Regarding the Question of Saint hood and Prophet hood Declaration by Grand Mufti of South Africa.
Bismillar Rahman Raheem. Alhamdu lillah wasalaat wassalaam ala rasuli llah, Allahuma ala Muhammad wa alihi Wabarik wasallim. everything started with him in the photo my Grand father side , He is the bearer of the secret that has become a topic which captured Muslim Community mindset worldwide. He is a Great Wali of Allah Subhanahu […]
Press Release on allegations by “Islamic Watch Dog’ Muhammad Mall
Its has come to our notice that some Rumors are circulating on social media regarding Muscoosa by the so called Islamic Watch Dog, i do not know who gave them the authority to spread fake news. we are deciding to deal with them according to law if we get an official engagement from them directly […]
Calling for Unity in administration of Islam affairs of South Africa
Ramadan Karim Al Mubaraak, Official Announcement from Office of the Grand Mufti of South Africa:CALLING THE ENTIRE MUSLIM COMMUNITY TO TAKE PART IN ADMINISTRATION OF ISLAM AND MUSLIM AFFAIRS OF SOUTH AFRICA. The Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) and its management accredit Jamiatul Ulama and Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) to be a reputable […]
Suuh Quran University
Assalaam aleikukum Warahmatu-llah, The Public is here by Informed of Skills Development campaign 2025-2026 offering free training different skills for all , certificates will be issued at end of training join us as learner, Trainer, Sponsor. See Department of Education for details