
Rabil Awal Mubaraka

Assalam aleikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh,Office of the Grand Mufti of South Africa wishes Happy Rabil Awwal Mubaraka to every Muslim Men and women. This is the holy Month in which our beloved Master the Holy Messenger of Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallah llahu aleih wasallama peace be upon him was born on the 12th day.
The Message to believers who love our Master the Nabi Of Allah Subhanahu Wataala that Gatherings regarding in remembrance of Him and his mission of Islam Known as Milaad are the most beloved deeds to Allah Subhanahu Wataala and the most Rewardable.
Shaytan is trying all ways to abstract you from showing your submission to Allah Subhanahu Wataala and expression of your love to his messenger of mercy sent to all people of the world as mercy to the entire creation.
Do not to listen to Shayatin who are inform of human beings those who are telling others that remembering the holy Prophet of Allah Subhanahu Wataala, the way how he was born, how he lived his life , his mission of Islam, calling believers towards practicing proper Islam for the sake of Allah Bidah (Innovation) and not permissible in Islam, Yes its not Permissible in their Kufr within Islam which they which they have innovated and they started worshiping Shaytan instead of worshiping Allah Subhanahau Wataala that is why they became agents of shaytan by stopping believers to practice proper Islam revealed in Quran to our beloved holy prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama peace be upon him, because Shaytan Hates him, so they have become agents of shaytan to hate those who love him and stop their families and friends to associate with those who love the holy Prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama in seclusion and in gatherings known as Milad. If that is not a sign a clear Shaytan they are following, tel me what is it?
I call upon believers not to argue with them because they are shayatinl-Ins , the shayaten of Human form. if you argue with them, Shaytan will create doubts in your heart and you will start to see some truth in their lies against Islam and Muslims, then slowly as a believer you will start to weaken your Iman and start following satanic approach of Islam which Allah Subhanahu Wataala prohibited in Quran and He said: ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطانو ان الشيطان لكم عدو مبين Meaning: Do Not follow ways of Shaytan,indeed Shaytan is your manifested enemy ( who does not hide his enmity against you believers) ,that is why you see, so many lost so called Sheikhs of today tel the Muslim community not to support or engage in gatherings of remembering Allah Subhanahu Wataala (Dhirullah) and His Messenger our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama peace be upon him ( Milad). But instead ,you must hate the true believers those who are involved. look at this clear enmity of Shaytan against true believers those who love Allah Subhanahu Wataala and His Messenger holy prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama peace be upon him.
We seek Allah’s guidance from Shaytan that changes the truth into lies and make lies to be true to those who follows him. the followers of Shaytan have one-thing in common, they say they love the prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama but they hate those who love him and celebration of his birth known as milad, if you truly love some one, not one minute you do not want to hear others speak about him or her, the best conversation you will always want and enjoy to hear is when they spoke about your loved one, and if they say wrong against him or her, it pains you more than it pains your loved one. So people do not confuse yourself by following Shaytan claiming you love the Holy prophet Muhammad sallah aleaih wasallama but yet you hate celebration of his existence in this life. we seek Allah’s protection from satanic approach to affairs of deen and we pray to Him the Almighty Most Merciful to bring us closer to His Most beloved Prophet so that we can be among those who follows Him because we Love Allah Subhanahu Wataala Ameen.
The Holy prophet Sallah aleih wasallama said, He is not a believer among you until i am the most lovely to him than his own life, family and everything earth.
Allahuma sali wabarik aleih wa alih Ameen.
Grand Mufit of SA Sultan Sheikh Yasin Muhammad Yaqeenullah Allamal Yaqeen Muhammad Al-Shuaib.

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