Introduction of Tariqa in the world

Development of Islam during 14 generations

Tariqa is an Arabic word means shortest way of Islam towards Allah was introduced by followers of scholars of Islam those who previously worked hard to teach Muslims how to submit to Allah Subhanahu Wataala with Ihsaan.

Ihsaan” means worshiping Allah as if you see Him, even if He is invisible unseen, keep in mind that He is seeing you, as Translated by Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama ( peace be upon him” when he was visited by Sayidina Angel Jibrael aleih Salam( peace be upon him) in Human form as Narrated in the famous Hadith of Second Khalifah of Islam , Umrau bin Khatab Radhaillahu anhu May Allah be pleased with Him, Recorded in authentic books of Hadith of Islam , in the same hadith, he explained the five pillars of Islam and six pillars of Iman (faith) Ihsaan as Follows:

Five Pillars of Islam

  1. Believing with sincerity that there is not God but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
  2. Establishing five mandatory prayers
  3. Paying mandatory charity called Zakat
  4. Fasting Holy month of Ramadan
  5. performing Hajj for  those with means and capacity 

Six Pillars of Faith (Iman)

  1. Believing with sincerity that there is no God by Allah and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger
  2. Believing with sincerity in His Angels Commonly Knows as Angel Jibrael , Michael, Israfil, Izrail, aleihim Salam peace be upon them.
  3. Believing with sincerity in His Holy Books known as Tawrat (Torah) revealed to prophet Musa (Moses, Zabur ( Psalms) revealed to prophet dawood ( david) Injil ( Gospel) revealed to prophet Isa (Jesus), and Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon them all.
  4. Believing with Sincerity in His Messengers such as Prophet Muhammad, Musa, Dawood, Isa alehim Salam
  5. Believing with sincerity in the of judgement when all people will Allah(God)
  6. Believing with sincerity in His Will of Destiny , That everything happens according to His Will good or bad, all from Him The Supreme.

One Pillar of Ihsaan

  • To worship Allah ( God) as if you see Him even if He is invisible unseen, bear in mind that he is seeing you.

To worship Allah as if you seeing Him is the Shortest way to reach Him and that is Tariqa.

As a believer , you must submit yourself to Allah in accordance with the five pillars of Islam, and six pillars of Iman(Faith) with Ihsaan, as if you see Him, Even if He is Invisible unseen, he is seeing you.

The first 500 Years of Islam From Makkah-Madina to the Entire world

During the life time of prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama ( peace be upon Him), he taught his followers, how to worship Allah as if your seeing Him theoretically and practically, even if He is Invisible Unseen, its a must condition for every worshiper to unveil Him and worship Him as if your seeing him implementing five pillars of Islam and six pillar of Iman(faith) in Devotion to Him.

His followers, the companions known as sahabas may Allah be pleased with them ‘Radia Llahu anhum”, inherited prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama ( peace be upon him) and they continued to teach believers in Islam how to worship Allah as if your seeing him Practically and theoretically.

The Generation that followed The sahabas called Tabieen ( May the Mercy of Allah Be Upon them, Rahmahum Llah, continued with the same teachings of worshiping Allah as if you see him practically and theoretically implementing five pillars of Islam and Six Pillars of Faith ( Imam) with Ihsaan in one category called Sharia.

At the end of five hundred years of Islam from Makkah-Madina to the world, One category of Islamic Knowledge called Sharia has grown further into four categories, calling each category of teachings of Sharia but with different approach Madhab and the teachers were called Imams:

  • Madhab Imam Malik
  • Madhab Imam Abu Hanifa
  • Madhab Imam Ahmada Bin Hmabal
  • Madhab Imam Shafie

The Second 500 years of Islam In the World

Starting the second 500 hundred years of Islam, Islam has spread in different parts of the world according and Sharia of Islam had by then spread as four Madhab in the world. The Arab world was largely following the four Madhab of Sharia as follows:

  • Africa Was following more Madhab of Imam Shafie
  • Middle east (Makkah-and Madina Included) were following More Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal and Imam Maliki
  • Asia Including India-Pakistan, Russia, Chain ,Europe, were following more Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Shafie

Tariqa was Initially introduced in the world during the starting of Second five hundred years of Islam

At the beginning of second 500 hundred years of Islam , Knowledge of Islam was by then called Sharia with tiles of Imams spread in the world as four approaches of teaching the Sharia seen before as Imam Malik, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ahmada bin Hambal, and Imam Shafie.

With Practice of these four different ways of approaches of teaching Sharia of Islam, the scholars were identified by these four approaches of Sharia of Islam, for example, a scholar who choose to follow the teachings of Imam Shafie, they identified him as Shafie, or Hanafi or Maliki or Hambali, these same scholars were teaching their followers in their books how practice the Sharia of Islam with Ihsaan which means worshiping Allah as if you see Him even if you don’t see him, he is seeing you theoretically and Practically that started to be termed as Tariqa

Theoretical and practical attainment of Ihsaan.

We all Know That Ihsaan means worshiping Allah as if you see Him even He is Unseen veil by His creation, bear in Mind that he is Seeing you, so the work of a scholar is to guide his students ways of attainment of Ihsaan theoretically explaining to them Who is Allah Subhanahu Wataala according to teachings of Islam , the scholars major work is unveil Allah Subhahanu Wataala who is veiled by His entire creation and be able to worship Him with Ihsaan which is mandatory condition of every worshiper. The scholars started to unlock hidden knowledge of the Holy Quran and Ahadith in the process of unveiling Allah Subhanahu Wataala so that you can worship Him with ihsaan, but since He is veiled by His entire creation, you have to understand the entire creation beginning with unveiling complex existence of the entire creation and mystery of life. Scholars after being identified as either Shafie, Hanafie, Maliki or Hambali, they started to explain to their students how the entire Universe was created and what is the mystery of life by guidance of Allah Subhanahu Wataala as revealed in the holy Quran and Narrated in Ahadith. Since their aim was attainment of Ihsaan theoretically and Practically, as they were learning and teaching theoretical part of Ihsaan of unveiling of Allah Subhanahu Wataala, they were also Practicing worshiping Him with ihsaan as if He is seen with in limits of Sharia.

The theoretical and practical attainment of Ihsaan resulted into discovering hidden nature of a Human being and all other creations, that hidden part of Nature was called Spiritual life. That means every creation that exist has physical life which is clearly know to us and seen we live our live on earth talking, understanding, eating and drinking, there a similar version of life which is hidden called Spiritual part of life but doing the same thing as we do in physical life. In Spiritual life there is feeling hungry and there is eating and drinking, in spiritual life there is hearing and seeing,.

The food and drinks of spiritual life is knowledge and hungry in spiritual life is self questions that need to be answered, to consume that food of knowledge by spiritual form of human is getting right answers to self questions about mystery of life including questions like who is God and where is He, What is the heart and soul ,what is the purpose of life, why death happens and where do we go after death, etc.

The Holy Quran Answers all those questions either directly or in Parable verses, it was work of scholars to unveil the hidden meanings of parable verses of the holy Quran to unveil theoretical part of attainment of Ihsaan which a must mandatory condition to every worshiper according to five pillars of Islam, six pillars of Iman (faith) and One Pillar of Ihsaan.

The invisible hidden part of a human being and other creations is comprised of the heart and soul , the heart bears hearing, seeing and understanding for the soul. That spiritual heart is connect to physical body which has the brain for understand, hearing by ears, and seeing by eyes.

Around physical body, is other creations such as birds, animals, blue skies above, green plants, livings of waters, day and might sun and moon, sleeping and waking up, all these occupy are seen, heard and understood by physical body that is connected to spiritual heart which occupied with knowing about these creations around human beings and that occupation keeps the spiritual busy with questions about those creations.

Then Revelation come from God that paints a picture of other creations which are invisible unseen but they are also around human body, that gives the heart imagining those invisible creations how they might be looking, such invisible creations include, Angels, Spirits, ghosts, etc. with guidance of the holy Quran, everything is explained clearly what is an Angels, Jinn, etc in order for the heart to paint the rightful image about them using hearing, seeing and understand of their spiritual heart transferred to the brain of physical body of human being.

For the heart souls and physical body to understand the invisible beings that exits fully since is only by consciousness. Consciousnesses has got levels, from level zero to the highest level. It depends on the level of consciousness for a human being to see the unseen world that exists in invisibility. for those with zero level of consciousness can not realize and will never believe in the existence of unseen in the rightful way. And those with level one of Consciousness are those who start to believe in the existence of the unseen including Allah Subhanahu Wataala as revealed in the holy Quran and practice Sharia on this level. The more a human being raises his level of consciousness the more you get closer to Attainment of Ihasaan, when you reach the highest level of consciousness, that is when you attain the first level of Ihsaan that grows the more you worship Allah with Ihsaan, the more you grow spirituality until you reach to a level of a Friend of Allah called Waliyu-llah mentioned in the Holy Quran.

The attainment of ihsaan theoretically and practically as what we call Tariqa. Different scholars of Sharia taught so much Tariqa until their teachings were named the name of the teacher or the name of the place where the teacher originated. For Example the teachings of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailan who was A Hanafi by Sharia, His students named his teachings Tariqat Al-qadiriyat, and the teachings of Sheikh Ali Abul Hassan who was a Shafia by Sharia, His students named his teachings as Tariqa Shadhili because he started his teachings at the place called Shadhili in Tunisia. and so many Other Tariqas of Islam developede in the world.

a person cannot follow any Tariqa unless he follows one of the four madhab of Sharia of Islam seen as madhabh Imam Shafie, madhab Imam Abu Hanifa, Madhab Imam Ahmad bin Hambali and Madhab Imam Maliki.

The generations that came and followed a scholar who is either Shafie, or Hanafie, or malik or Hambali, while those who were following certaing teachings of Tariqa were also identified by name Tariqa as Well, for example ,a scholar was known by his names as Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Shafie, Shadhili, of the followers also were identified in general with the same identity for example a country with an Islamic governance choose to follow the teachings of Imam Shafie, they identified the Sharia law of that government as Shafie Government, or Hanafi Government, of Maliki government or Hambali Government. The ruling of judgments in courts of law ruled according to either of these four identities, and that identified the government. A scholar who was appointed by Islamic government in the Court of law was called Qadhi, the Judge, while the interpreter of Sharias laws according to those four approaches to the Public was called Mufti. There is Grand Mufti who is the head of all other Muftis if there are more than one in the Country, for example , if every state has a mufti, there a general Mufti for the entire nation who is Grand Mufti.

They students started of Islamic knowledge theoretically and practically started to identify the teachings and their teachers as Tariqa of so and so, depending on either the name of the that particular teacher or the name of where that teacher was staying. for example, the teaching of Islam, Iman and Ihsaan of teacher His name well know as Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani is called Tariqatul Qadiriyyat, the teachings of Sheikh Sayed Alki abul Hassan who stayed at the place called Shadhili in Tunisia is called Tariqat Shadhil, both teachers were Arabs, and other teachers in the world from different places including Tariqa Naqshabandiya by a teacher called bahau deen and Tariqat Sahrawardiy, by a teacher called Shahabu deen both lived in Parisian Land, Tariqa Al-Chistiyat based in India, etc they all taught same message, from same source with different approaches.

The Third 500 Years of Islam

At the beginning of Third 500 hundred years of Islam has spread in the world as Sharia and Tariqa, this is the time when Islam has reached 1000 years in the world. The generations lived during those days started to develop a debate of Sharia verses Tariqa.

Since was the main stream authority in Muslim Countries and societies , some Authorities of Islamic governments became so critical against Tariqa to the extent of Killing Scholars of Tariqa by chopping off their heads for example Famous scholar of Tariqa known as as Abul Arab who was Shafie, Shadhili Scholar for the reason he said that ” what you worship is under my fee” a mystical language of wisdom that was not understood by that time, according to the leaders of that land miss understood him and they thought he meant that Allah Subhanahu Wataala we worship is under his feet, according to Sharia of Islam, that is extreme blasphemy and he was killed, he said in his last words before they laws of Sharia chop off his head that very soon you will understand what i said is right, when the new rulers came they discovered gold underneath the ground and that is what he meant as we all know that wealth of any country is determined by how much gold is deposited in the reserve bank. So the generation that came after him was appreciative to his work and a mosque was built was built in his memory.

Another example is scholar of Islam by the names Al-Halaaj who lived in Iraq , his head was chopped off because he said i am the truth, Al-Haqq. According to Sharia of Islam Al-Haq is a Name of Allah , any individual is not allowed to use His names unless he add on the name Abdu which means servant of Allah, so you may call your self or your child Abdul Haq. The next Generation Appreciated his teachings of Tariqa when they understood that then He practiced Sharia of Islam with Tariqa that attained him Ihsaan, worshiping Allah as if you see Him, even He is Unseen, he is seeing you, and he was in the state of the highest level of consciousness, He was telling the people that says Anal-Haqq ( meaniong Allah Subhanahu Wataala is the Absolute truth which is true.

The End of third 500 years of Islam in the world

Until to date towards the end of third 500 years of Islam on earth, currently we are 1440 years, about only 60 years remaining to end the third 500 years of Islam in the world from Makka-Madina to the world, Sharia became more enemy to Tariqa when the rulers of Makkah and Madina wished to bring back management of Islam to Makkah-Madina where it began after spreading all over the world, so when they established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, they ruled out Authentication of four madhab of Sharia seen as Madhab Imam Shafie, Madhabi Imam Abu Hanifa, Madhab Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal and Madhab Imam Maliki and they also ruled out all different kinds of Tariqa by reducing their teachings to non Authentic teachings of Islam and they demonize those who practice Sharia and Tariqa according to teachings of four imams and Scholars of Tariqa calling for their termination that has been implemented by the same Rulers of Saudi kingdom through education that planted enmity in the hearts of Muslims causing fighting between Muslims which started as individual basis until escalated to invading Muslim Countries including Iraq which is home of the tomb of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailan, Tunisia where Shadhili Tariqa Started, Syria where Tariqa has spread, and other countries.

The New teachings of Saudi Kingdom that used to replace Sharia teachings of four Imams and teachings of Tariqa is called Salafie which has the worst approach to teachings of Sharia, including killing whoever is not with them, destroying remains of previous scholars of Islam, waging wars against mosques not churches, waging wars against Muslim Countries.


Salafie of Saudi Kingdom ideologies are complete satanic approach of Sharia of Islam that was initiated by the western allies who were Jews using names of white people like Prime minister of England Named Belfore who declared formation of the state of Israel killing innocent Palestinian from then to date until when Allah Subhanahu Wataala save them, since Palestine and other Arab countries all formed one land called Hijjas that was under rulling of caliphate by Sultans of Turkey, and after the 1914 partition of the earth by the west after world war one, Arabs revolted from Turkish and they supported non Muslim of the west that resulted into sending special envoy who is know by Rollence of Arabia, who bribed all Arabs with money promising them independent from Turkey, and they gave them weapons, they fought against Turkey and they ended Caliphate adopting christian rule of western style and they established kingdom of Saudi Arabia with that satanic approach as a way to destroy Islam in order to rule Makah and Madina which has achieved as we the entire world witness the leaders of Saudi Kingdom endorse Israel State at the price of Palestinian Land and lives. May Curse of Allah be Upon them and save us from their satanic approaches to Sharia of Islam that has resulted into blood of Muslims in the world. Amen.