Department of International Relations for Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa as the administrative office for preparation of Hajj and Umra for South Africa in internal collaboration with Department of Hajj&Umra of this organisation.

Hajj and Umra preparation means visiting the first holy Mosque of Islam of Masjidil Haram at Makkah and second holy Mosque of Islam in Madina where holy prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama, Peace be upon him is buried in devotion to Allah (God) as an act of worship is what we call Umra. and if its done in Hajj season its what we call Hajj.

Mostly , so many believers add on visiting the holy Mosque of Aqsa in Jerusalem Palestine which is the first direction of Islam for Mandatory prayers before facing in Makkah. During the time of prophet hood , prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama and his companions May Allah be pleased with them ( radia llahu anhum) were by God to face in Jerusalem in sacred Masjidil Aqsa of Dome of the Rock for performing five mandatory prayers.
18 Months passed, Revelation came ordered them to face in sacred kaaba of Masjidil Haram of Makkah where we are facing until to date to the day of Judgement.
In Islam, the holiness of Masjidil Aqsa of Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem Palestine is based on the fact that most of prophets of Islam all came from that holy place from prophet Ibrahim to his grandson the last prophet from that holy place known as Isa or Jesus, and also Islam believes that he was raised alive to heaven without being hurt by humans as they say he was crucified.

From that same sacred point on entire earth , prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama ( peace be upon him) was brought from Makkah by Angels to Jerusalem where he was also raised alive to heaven and came back to Jerusalem then back to Makkah in a potion of night which is called holy journey to haven known as Israi-wal Miraj. The purpose of journey was to mandate him and his followers five mandatory prayers. therefore Jerusalem became the point of direction for because it was the point of raising to heaven and coming back.

So we visit Masjidil Aqsa of Dome of the Rock as part of the Journey of Umra, visiting three holy Mosque. the procedure for visiting for this holy journey of believers is to go Masjidl Aqsa of Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem Palestine and then get preparation to Makkah and Madina by changing clothes and put on clothes purposely for Hajj&Umra Rituals known as Ihram made of two white pieces of cloth without design or any sawing by hand or machine for men. while women wear white or black clothes according to Sharia. Then proceed to Madina and visit Tomb of prophet Muhammad sallah llah aleih wasallama ( peace be upon him) and then proceed to Makkah to visit the holy Kaaba Sharif.