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Certificate of Conversion to Islam
Salam aleikum Warahmatu-llah, This is very important announcement, There is only one written evidence that stays for ever when someone becomes a Muslim. Therefore, as Sharia Department of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) has produced a legally binding certificate of Conversion to Islam. Get a copy either Pdf or JPG sign and send […]
Parents who have not registered their children for Grade 1 and Grade 8 for the 2023 school year now have an opportunity to do so. The Gauteng Education Department says late applications will open from 20 December – 20 January , Department of Education, Muscoosa.
Zakatul Fitr 2024/1445
08/April/2024 28th/Ramadan/1445 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMEN Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah Wabarakatuh. ZAKATIL FITR THIS YEAR IS R 50 PER HEAD Office of the Grand Mufti SA is hereby calling entire Muslim Community of believers to look for new moon of Shawwal tomorrow 8th/04/2024 After Maghrib Salah the 29th , Ramadan 2024/1445. In the name of Allah […]