Press Release

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Opening of Aya Sofia Masjid

Bismillah Rahman Raheem, The Management of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) Congratulate His Excellence President of Turkey Sultan Erdogan I , His cabinet, Turkish People and all believers in the world for the victory of Regaining the glory of Reverting Haya Sofia back to Masjid of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih Masjid that was turned […]


Coming of Imam Mahad

Alhamdu Lillah Rabil Alameen Wasalaat Wasalaam ala Rasulu llah Mustapha Sallah aleih wasallama. Khutba that evolves about the huge rare public declaration i personally made and believers are looking for the authenticity of what i said regarding comming of Sayidina Jibrael aleih salam to me to save the Ummah. All Praise due to Allah Subhanahu […]