
Wedding in Islam is not mandatory but strongly recommended because it announces new marriage taking place in the community so that people knows such anjd such are husband and wife to avoid misunderstanding of asking a girls hand in marriage who is already married.

Sharia recommends to make any size of wedding starting from small that happens in the mosque to the biggest that extend from Masjid to the Hall for celebrations in the following Sharia way:

  • Men and women must not mix while making seating Arrangements
  • No Forbidden foods and drinks should be served even the wedding has non Muslim guests, these includes, alcohol, Pork, meat of dead birds and animals dies before they were slaughtered.
  • Intoxication
  • Forbidden Music for example western style music which is not Arabic and not Islamic.
  • Any kind of nudity is prohibited. Entertainers on weddings use clothes that shows part of their body parts considered nudity in sharia, a woman is allowed to show her face, feet and thumbs, the rest of her body is considered nudity if exposed for any reason except women only entertainment.
  • Only Sharia way of singing that permits usage of drums rooted Arabic culture since Islam originated from Arabic and Quran is revealed on in Arabic language.
  • Only women allowed to wear glittering clothes for wedding or any ceremony , men are prohibited from using any kind of jewelries and glittering ornaments for the reason that they may cause fitna in the society when men starting to admire fellow men as people of Nabi Lut aleih salaam who were destroyed for that unspeakable action.
  • Only attend by invitation even if is family member , friend or neighbor, as long as your not invited , your not allowed to attend that weeding according to Sharia.