Press Release
Official Public Announce for Emergence of Imam Mahad Sadiqul Ameen
الإعلان إلى أمّة محمّد صلى الله عليه وسلم فى ظهور الإمام المهدي المنتظر الصّادق الأمين الحمد لله الذي لا يخلف الميعاد عبده ورسوله سيّدنا محمّد المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم الذى وعده لأمّته بلسان عربى مبين إذ ارسله إلى النّاس كافة رحمة للعالمين وهو آخر الأنبيآء لا نبيا بعده وسيّد المرسلين. فوعد صلى الله عليه […]
Parents who have not registered their children for Grade 1 and Grade 8 for the 2023 school year now have an opportunity to do so. The Gauteng Education Department says late applications will open from 20 December – 20 January , Department of Education, Muscoosa.
“Ban the black man. They rape, steal, and kill, worse than any pit bull could, and they get away with it. Ban those that are making the laws, ban Ekurhuleni, ban the black man. Get all the black women and cut out their uteruses and ovaries that they cannot procreate because they will all turn […]
Certificate of Conversion to Islam
Salam aleikum Warahmatu-llah, This is very important announcement, There is only one written evidence that stays for ever when someone becomes a Muslim. Therefore, as Sharia Department of Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) has produced a legally binding certificate of Conversion to Islam. Get a copy either Pdf or JPG sign and send […]
Special Announcement for Commencements of Islamic New Year 1444
Bismillah Rahman Raheem, Assalam aleikum Warahmatu-llah, in the Name of Allah Most Merciful the Compassionate, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you in this new years of Islam 1444 that has started tonight Friday the 29th of July 2022 as the 1st Night of Muharram 1444. The moon has been sighted In Makkah and […]