Zaadul Maad is a new book in Arabic language comprised of five special prayers all believers must recite on daily basis Making Dhikrullah and Salat wassalam ala Nabi Sallah aleih wasallama Taught by Sayidina Jibrael aleih salaam to the Author who is the Grand Mufti of South Africa who came out publicly and announced the coming of Sayidna Jibrael to him to save the Ummah as answered prayers of believers, on orders of Allah Subhanahu Wataala , he announced openly that He is the Imam Mahad Sadiqul Amin. during these ten Days of Dhil Hajj , Sayidina Jibrael aleih aleih salaam ordered him to release this new book in the new Name Zaadul Maadi Lil Mumineen. Tell any one you know in conflict areas of Muslim world such as Kashmir, Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Ughayr Muslims of Chaina, Ruhingya, and all Muslim in troubles , they must get a copy and recite in Qunut every day, they Must contact us on this email to pledge allegience to the Sultan of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) as well as they pledge to Sayidina Jibrael aleih salaam , the help will come to you with immediate effect from Allah Subhanahu Wataala and that will be a sign for you to benefit in this message by your faith. get a pdf copy on this link:
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As salaam Aleikum warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. This is to inform the public that the moon has been sighted in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries so tomorrow 4th June is Eidi Fitr for those who started fasting 6 may 2019. Waybillah Tawfuque. Grand Mufti of South Africa. Eid Al Mubarak a to all Muslims may Allah […]